Saturday, November 7, 2015

Is the Law Of Attraction Real?

The Law of Attraction and its red hot billing status in the New Age community is somewhat old news, now. The movie "The Secret" has come and gone. Esther Hicks is still out there preaching her gospel to everyone who is willing to listen.  People who are seeking something desperately in their lives are curling up to her promise that if you just think the right things, and act as if you already have them, somehow, this  great giant cosmic ear in the universe will make sure your most ardent desires will find you. 

I think we used to call this lying to yourself.  Yes. Really.

Spending a lot of your time pretending to have things that you do not possess and trying to be happy when you are not happy (while pondering why you attracted that "rock" in your windshield ) is nonsense. But yeah, we know that already, right? And if we don't know it before we start "The Law of Attraction," we shall surely know it after it drives us fucking nuts. 

I have been there and done that. I tried the Law of Attraction,  made the "vision board," visualized and pictured the things I wanted.  I went around raising my "vibration," but when your 14 year old comes home after a sleep over drunk and pees into the refrigerator, something has gone very wrong in the universe. 

Yet, there is some truth in the "Law of Attraction." It makes sense on some level, or, at least enough for us to want to give it a try. Most of the time, people either get lucky and think they attracted something they did not, or people just say the hell with it and quit!

The  question  is how to make it work and the answer is  "authenticity." 

How can we be authentic? How can we be real and grounded when we are trying to attract a better life for ourselves? The answer is simple, "Be real." 

First, let's get rid of the "giant listening ear in the universe" and replace it with a sense of reality. Synchronicity is what we want. We want to align our thoughts to our dreams with rhythm and harmony so that actions and thoughts lineup with what we want for ourselves. 

How can we do this? "Go for it." See? that was easy. Take action. The more action you take, the higher your vibration will become. The more you put your energy into making your dreams come true, the more likely they will come true and the things that are needed to make them come true, will start to   come to you.  Action activates "synchronicity." 

What is "synchronicity?" It is when meaningful events happen that are coincidental. Some people say it is a way of "God keeping a low profile." An example might be that you want to buy a house that you can't afford and you learn later that there was a typo in the listing and it is in the price range you could afford.  Perhaps you are about to call a friend and the friend calls you exactly when you are thinking about her. 

In order for synchronicity to line up with your positive thoughts, take action. Start moving. Start thinking about possibilities and take set-backs as working for you and not against you. 

If you want a house and your credit is bad,  start cleaning up your credit. Join credit boards, network with people who can help you online, or in your community. Learn. 

The more you do in seeking out your desires,  the more you attract by association. Pretending as if you have it and waiting for the doors to open might work for the few, but for the majority, it's not going to do anything. Networking is power. 

It will be much easier to envision what you want and to believe you will obtain it, when you take that first step.  So what are you waiting for? Go for it. 
Article written by Linda Morgan Smith 
Cannot reprinted without author's permission. 

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